How to publish your ads on HelloWork from Marvin Recruiter

1 - HelloWork partnership

Hellowork is one of the major players in the French job market.
By choosing to access this platform, you will be required to subscribe to one of their job offers in order to advertise on their site.

Hellowork offers direct, secure connections with its network of ATS partners, enabling:
- Candidates to apply as simply and quickly as possible, while benefiting from quality follow-up of their applications.
- Recruiters to maximize their Hellowork investments by centralizing information in their ATS. Recruiters to maximize their Hellowork investments by centralizing information in their ATS to save as much time as possible, without losing the human quality of the service they offer.

Marvin Recruiter is part of HelloWork's ATS partner program, enabling its users to multicast on their reference platform.

- To benefit from multicasting on HelloWork, you must be a HelloWork customer. If you are not, sign up for a HelloWork offer before contacting Marvin Recruiter to activate broadcasting.

2 - How to broadcast on HelloWork

Step 1: Send a request to your HelloWork contact
Contact your HelloWork account manager and request activation of your Marvin broadcast account. All you have to do is follow the steps indicated.
Alternatively, you can send an e-mail to, and our agents will take care of the procedure for you:

[Our company] is a HelloWork customer, we would like to activate the distribution of our ads from our Marvin Recruiter space.

Step 2: HelloWork opens the channel and sends your login details to the Marvin Recruiter team, who will activate the connection.
Step 3: Once your account has been activated, you will receive an e-mail with final instructions.
From now on:
1. Create all the offers you want to post on HelloWork
at Marvin Recruiter 2. Once created, send your ads to HelloWork
3. Inform your HelloWork contact: he/she will finalize the configuration of your account by deactivating all offers broadcast from your HelloWork space

Congratulations! You are now broadcasting live from Marvin Recruiter to HelloWork.
All your applications will be notified in the tool.

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