Discover all the features you need

Marvin Recruiter revolutionizes your recruitment experience. Created by recruiters for recruiters, every feature has been designed and thought through to meet your needs. Discover them and transform your approach to recruitment.
hero image features page, tool example screen Marvin recruiter
Data Base / advanced search
Marvin Recruiter allows you to manage the commercial side of your business, helping you to find, manage and retain customers.
Company listings
Create lists of companies, according to your own criteria: to prospect, to call back, to share with a colleague or a newcomer... it's up to you to choose how the lists will make your daily life easier.
Customized prospecting pipe
Marvin Recruiter 's CRM accelerates your prospecting by making it simple, visual and intuitive. Forget the old spreadsheets and let Marvin unleash its full potential.
By using your prospecting data with Marvin Recruiter, you'll obtain a compendium of exclusive statistics that will facilitate your future actions and guide your decision-making.
Ajout depuis l'extension Chrome
La prospection n'a jamais été aussi facile ! Grâce à l’extension de Marvin Recruiter, ajoutez des entreprises en un seul clic à votre CRM.

Candidate pool

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DropCV & Extension & incoming application
Thanks to the technologies developed for Marvin Recruiter, adding a candidate has never been easier! Rest assured, you can always register a candidate manually ;)
Surgical research
Numerous search filters alternate between broad searches and surgical precision to make sourcing easier, whatever the profile you're looking for.
Matching Auto
A new job? A new search? Marvin Recruiter suggests profiles to contact based on the search criteria you've selected.
Evaluating your exchanges
The best person to find out if there's a recruitment behind a candidate is you! Rate your best qualifications 5/5 and find them later.
List of candidates
When you source candidates, you can create lists of favorites to find them quickly later.
Candidate nurturing & callbacks
Nurturing is one of the all-too-often forgotten pillars of recruitment. Keep in touch and nurture your candidate relationships simply by setting reminders.

Extension Chrome

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Add candidate
Don't waste time creating your candidate files, save time with Marvin Recruiter.
Car filling: professions and skills
The best way to get clean data is to automate DATA import and then use advanced search.
Note-taking directly on the extension
Pendant les échanges avec vos candidats, gardez leur profil sous les yeux tout en prenant des notes sur la même page depuis l’extension.
Adding companies
Jamais prospecter n’avait été si simple ! Grâce à l’extension de Marvin Recruiter, ajoutez des entreprises en un seul clic à votre CRM.
The career site is fully customizable to develop your brand image and receive applications in Marvin Recruteur.
Offer anonymization
Marvin Recruiter allows you to anonymize your ads with a single click, so you can display your ads without revealing your customers' identities.
Processing applications
All applications for your opportunities are centralized in the same place, so you can process them all from the same solution and never miss a profile!
Unsolicited application
Leave the door open to unsolicited applications - you're never safe from a pleasant surprise!
Job and ad creation
Create an opportunity in Marvin Recruiter, add it to your job description and post it online in just one click on your career site and the job boards you use.
Job board library
Directly inside Marvin Recruiter , all you have to do is tick a job board and your ads will be published with a single click.
Processing applications
Whether they come from a job board, an offer on your career page or an unsolicited application, process all your applications in the same place.
Statistics: origin of applications
Visualize the origin of applications and optimize your publishing spend.
Your prospecting statistics
Marvin Recruiter transforms your data into statistics to help you make decisions and manage your business.
From sourcing to closing
By displaying customized conversion rates between each stage of your processes, Marvin Recruiter helps you visualize your performance and areas for improvement.
Recruitment progress
With a Kanban-style dashboard, your candidate management is centralized and clarified. Get a complete overview of your recruitment processes.
Origin of applications
Marvin Recruiter tracks application statistics to help you understand where profiles are applying and which job boards are the most suitable.
Activity status
Should I source or prospect? The statistics displayed by Marvin Recruiter give you the figures you need to make the right decisions and maintain a balanced business.
Work on your areas for improvement
Analyze your strengths and areas for improvement by transforming your data into performance indicators.

Management & Collaboration

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Notify your colleagues at any time on the timeline of a candidate, opportunity, company or contact.
Tracking success
With Marvin Recruiter, every action is an event, and every event can be found in timelines. In this way, information circulates to put everyone on the same level, without any intervention on your part.
View activity
At Marvin Recruiter you can check the activity on a profile, a job, a company or an employee at any time, so you never miss any important information.
Share your jobs and lists
With Marvin Recruiter, share your lists, your opportunities or even your candidates to help your team succeed.
Access timelines
By accessing the timelines of your colleagues, you can react or simply follow the activity of your teams to gain maximum visibility of overall activity.
Statistics by employee or team
Manage your business and challenge your employees or teams, using statistics by employee or by team.

Manage and organize

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Customize your ATS process steps...
Every company, every project and every department has its own recruitment process, designed and adapted to its needs.Marvin Recruiter adapts to your process, not the other way round.
...and your CRM process steps
Define the process according to your needs and your customers.
Monitoring dashboards
Understand your entity's results, progress or capacity at a glance.
Organize your team
Organize and manage your teams' work directly from Marvin Recruiter.
Candidate reminders
One of the most useful functions ever created!

How can Marvin Recruiter be integrated into your company?

Find out how our solution can meet your needs: an expert from our team will accompany you, introduce you to onboarding and offer you a personalized quote.
illustration de l'application Marvin Recruiter
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