3 reasons to capitalize on your candidate base when recruiting

Still too many recruiters focus on finding profiles for "right now" without considering a medium- to long-term strategy. But what if we told you that you could halve your sourcing time within the next 3 months? We'd like to tell you why you need a scalable strategy to save time and energy in your sourcing phase.

First of all, why implement a sourcing strategy?

A sourcing strategy is essential if you're hunting for the rare profiles on the market that everyone's after. In fact, we've noticed that specialized profiles apply less and less to vacancies, as their inboxes and mailboxes are already overflowing with offers of opportunities. So you're going to have to approach candidates yourself, and you won't be the only one.

3 reasons to invest in this medium- to long-term data strategy

Your network is brimming with talent. If you recruit the same type of profiles over time, it's in your interest to maintain a close relationship with a pool of candidates. For example, if you work as a recruiter for a recruitment agency specializing in a particular field, or as a Talent Acquisition consultant for a company that recruits similar profiles every year, this type of strategy will pay off very quickly.

Profiles you've already exchanged with will be more open to exchanging with you again, thanks to the fit you've created with them.

A strategy for exploiting your network is both short- and medium-long term. It will enable you to find candidates for your vacancies more and more easily over time, and will prove particularly fruitful.

Reason no. 1: To make it easier to get candidates on the phone

If you've already spoken to 200 candidates in the past, then you already have 200 contacts you can call back todayor in a few months' time. This means you can take a more direct approach, and save time before you have to book appointments with candidates.

Reason n°2: To increase the proportion of candidates who will listen to your offers

Do you remember the candidates you spoke to on the phone 6 months ago? Probably not. And yet, it wouldn't be surprising if some of them were now listening to the market.

Reason no. 3: To find profiles faster

By keeping track of all the qualifications you've carried out over the last few months and years, you'll find it easier to track down the candidate who might be a good match for a new recruitment assignment. On the other hand, by keeping this information, you'll be less likely to forget potential candidates you've already spoken to. When you talk to dozens of profiles a week, after a few months that number quickly turns into hundreds - forgetting is human!

The best way to implement a sustainable strategy: ATS/CRM :

To maximize your opportunities and optimize sourcing for your entire team, it's essential to make candidate information usable by all. This is where ATS (Applicant Tracking System) / CRM software comes into its own. For our part, we feel that the term "TRM" (Talent Relationship Management) software would be much more appropriate, since we live in an era when there are fewer applications (and therefore fewerApplicants) to track.

All of these software packages have different offerings, but here are the features you should absolutely have to set up a sustainable strategy to simplify your candidate search:

  • Register your exchanges and qualifications with a profile.
  • Associate profiles with a job to find them easily in your database.
  • Identify candidates according to a variety of search criteria.
  • List the candidates you haven't spoken to in a certain length of time.
  • Set automatic reminders to remember to call back a profile in a few months' time.

The benefits of storing and using candidate data

  • Time-saving
  • Reduce the cost of finding candidates
  • This saves you energy, which you can then devote to accompanying your candidates through the recruitment process.

In conclusion, by implementing this system, within a few months :

- You'll be able to devote more time to supporting your candidates (and clients, if you're a recruitment agency).

- You'll close more recruitments in your month.

- Your entire organization will benefit from the hunting work carried out by each individual, boosting the growth of your recruitment numbers.

Alexandra Salvert
Alexandra is a passionate and experienced growth marketer in the field of technology. With her in-depth expertise, she excels in imparting knowledge of the latest technological advances.
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