Improve your employer brand with an ATS? It can be done!

As we see daily in the press, there are more and more difficulties on the job market are on the increase. In particular, more and more companies are facing recruitment recruitment difficulties.

Since the covid-19 pandemic, this phenomenon has worsened. Already in 2019, 71% of employers surveyed in the Working Conditions in 2019 survey reported difficulties in recruiting for vacant positions, and the situation is becoming increasingly complex.

According to a Pôle emploi survey, 58% of recruitments in 2022 are considered difficult for companies, i.e. 13% more than in 2021.

At a time when there are more and more companies looking to recruit, and fewer and fewer talented people to recruit, it's vital for companies to take care of their employer brand.

Find out how an ATS can help you improve your employer brand!

Why do you need to take care of your employer brand?

Boost your employer brand with an ATS

What is employer branding?

Employer branding is your company's brand image in the eyes of its employees and prospective recruits. It's this image that enables you to promote your company and make it attractive, to recruit new talent and avoid turnover among employees already recruited!

This is a key human resources issue.

In concrete terms, the quality of your employer brand is the external image of your company, as well as the internal perception of employees and candidates for recruitment.

This brand depends, among other things, on the company's values, history and commitments, but also on the quality of your employees' working conditions, etc.

When it comes to recruitment, employer brand depends on the recruitment process, its transparency, the various exchanges between the candidate and the company, as well as certain benefits offered by the company to its employees (flexibility, remuneration, etc.).

Indeed, thanks to sites like glassdoor, candidates can obtain information on salary, employee satisfaction levels, etc. in just a few clicks.

Why and how to treat it?

As mentioned above, the demand for work from companies is high: there are plenty of job vacancies. On the other hand, qualified profiles for these positions are becoming increasingly rare, and there are not enough of them!

For these reasons, a company needs to ensure its competitiveness and attractiveness as an employer, in order to attract the best talent, and prevent them from being recruited by competitors!

What's more, today it's very easy for a candidate to find out about the quality of working conditions, by searching the internet or contacting employees on LinkedIn.

Numerous studies also attest to employees' increasingly demanding expectations of their companies . These demands, whether they concern the pace and flexibility of work, or the company's CSR commitments, are increasingly numerous.

That's why it's so important to maintain and improve your employer brand, so that you can recruit the best people; you can even consult the French Ministry of the Economy's advice on the subject!

What are employer branding tools?

Employer branding tools

There are a number of tools you can use to improve your employer brand. There are many of them:

Career site

It's your privileged interface with potential recruits! It's also the ideal place to tell them all about your company, its values, etc.

During a visit to your career site, a potential candidate should be able to find out about the company's business, its professions and its products, and thus be able to project himself or herself into the future.

By posting this information on your career site, you maximize your chances of getting a job!

Corporate videos

Videos are a very effective tool for showing candidates the reality of life in your company! Whether it's the premises, the atmosphere between employees and the work environment, testimonials... these videos convey a wealth of information.

Video also embodies the company, giving it a more positive and sincere image than presentation material on a career site.

The video format can therefore be used for:

  • present the different branches of the company;
  • share employee testimonials about their day-to-day missions: developers, new recruits, senior profiles... put them in the spotlight! ;
  • interview key company personnel : general management, human resources management, representatives of the company's various divisions, etc. ;
  • take a virtual tour of the premises;
  • present your company in an innovative way in just a few minutes.

These videos can then be posted on the career site, on LinkedIn or other social networks, on the company's YouTube page, etc.

Social networks

Their use by companies has emerged in recent years and has quickly become essential.

Your company's presence on social networks gives it visibility, and enables you to share company news, commitments and more. It's also a source of information increasingly used by candidates.

How can an ATS help boost your employer brand? 

At a time of widespread recruitment difficulties, your company's employer brand is all the more important.

We've all experienced the frustrations of a complex and opaque recruitment process, the need to follow up with contacts to obtain a response, long delays in getting a reply, etc. We've all been there, done that and more.

These are all frustrating factors that affect the candidate's perception of the company, and whether or not they want to join! And for a recruiter, taking the time to recruit an ideal profile who ultimately refuses the offer is a real waste of time!

What's more, the recruitment process is the first interaction between a potential recruit and the company, and it can be decisive in both directions!

For all these reasons, taking care of your recruitment process is anintegral part of your employer brand! An Applicant Tracking System (ATS) can help you do just that!

ATS boosts your employer brand through a number of different levers:

  • By improving the quality of communication with your candidates : you can send personalized, non-standardized messages to address your different candidates directly, and adapt your message to their profile.
  • By not forgetting any unsuccessful candidates : your ATS enables you to track applications precisely, so if you see that a candidate doesn't match the vacancy, it's time to send them a personalized message. 
  • Identify the best profiles more quickly : ATS enables you to sort and filter the CVs you receive. So you don't have to go through every application, and in the blink of an eye you can identify the candidates who meet your needs, and respond more quickly to those who don't!
  • By limiting turnover with ATS, you recruit faster and better. You'll quickly identify the best profiles who fit in with your company and are likely to flourish there, and so reduce turnover.
  • By improving the candidate experience Thanks to ATS, the recruitment process runs more smoothly, e-mails are sent more systematically, exchanges are better planned, and so on. Candidates can also follow the progress of their application live. All of these transparency factors set you apart from the competition!

Marvin's ATS boosts your employer brand

Marvin's ATS achieves all the above objectives!

Firstly, because ATS Marvin recruiter enables you to keep track of every single application, so you can avoid missing an application and not responding to a candidate. ATS Marvin also enables you to quickly identify candidates waiting for a response. You can also quickly check whether a colleague has already contacted the same candidate in the past, and even retrieve their notes! Pretty handy for personalizing your approach! 

The Marvin recruiter ATS then enables us to systematize the feedback to be sent to candidates, and to do so as quickly as possible. In fact, our ATS enables us to send all the necessary information on the rest of the recruitment process within 2 days.

Once the candidate has been recruited, ATS Marvin can also boost your employer brand by offering the best possible integration! Via ATS, you can send your new talent welcome kits and other relevant documents.


The employer brand and thecandidate experience are therefore not to be neglected, and are part of your company's recruitment priorities!

As such, theATS offers a wide range of resources to help you develop your employer brand, improve relations with candidates and stand out from your competitors!

Create an account and find out how Marvin recruiter can help you boost your employer brand.

Aurélie Peyrière
HR @Shappers & @Comeandwork
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