Successful recruitment: how to secure your recruitments?

In a context where companies are struggling to hire new talent a recruitment mistake can quickly become costly. It is therefore crucial to secure recruitment when a position is to be filled. Here are several tips to ensure the success of a recruitment process.
The bottom line
- By securing your recruitments, you ensure that you find the right profile for the job. To do this, you need to determine an effective sourcing strategy to attract talent.
- Recruiters will have to be prepared to make compromises during the recruitment process: the rare pearl is hard to find!
- Interviews must be well anticipated, it is a key moment to evaluate the candidate and build a long-term relationship.
What does it mean to secure its recruitments?
For a company or a recruitment firm that wishes to recruit new talent, it is important to be able to secure its recruitments. In other words, it is necessary to make sure that the profile recruited corresponds to the company's needs.
It is also important to find a talent that will be happy with the company. A good profile that leaves a company because it doesn't feel like it belongs there is a waste of time, money and an additional discouragement. A successful recruitment is also a recruitment that lasts in time.
How to attract talent?
It is becoming increasingly difficult to recruit in many sectors, in large part because there are many more offers than profiles to recruit. As a result, top talent is quickly being "chased away" by companies and recruiting firms.
46% of companies are affected by this problem, according to a Statista study. As a result, recruiters are in fierce competition to find new profiles. To make the difference, companies are increasingly working on their employer brand, while recruitment firms are redoubling their efforts to find the best profiles through different channels.
Build a strong employer brand
Attract top talent with a strong employer brand. Here are some questions to get you started.
- Why would your company be a candidate's dream company?
- What is his vision?
- How is its business model relevant?
- How does its corporate culture make work enjoyable and motivating on a daily basis?
A well-developed employer brand naturally brings awareness to your company. It is therefore a powerful tool for your recruitment. The image that candidates have of your company plays a crucial role in their application process.
So don't neglect word of mouth and other channels where talent gives feedback on companies, such as Glassdoor or Indeed.
An effective sourcing strategy
In order to secure its recruitments, it is indeed important to adopt an efficient sourcing strategy.
With a well-tuned process in place, you can easily search for and identify potential candidates. A good sourcing strategy is based on four elements:
- The precise definition of a profile
- Selection of communication channels to disseminate the job offer
- Designing a powerful outreach message
- Assiduous preparation for job interviews
Define a clear profile
First of all, it is important to define a clear profile before embarking on a sourcing process. It is imperative to take the time to understand exactly what the recruiting company needs.
Be aware of the skills you are looking for, as well as the other elements that are important for the position in question: availability, geographic mobility, the company's employer brand, salary, etc. The more information you gather on the profile you are looking for, the "easier" it will be to find the rare pearl.
To help you in this task, you can ask yourself these few questions (to be adapted of course according to the company's sector):
- What are the expected skills?
- What education is particularly suited to this position?
- Are there similar positions in other companies? Who are the direct competitors?
- What will be the new employee's day-to-day role ?
- How will it be evaluated?
These questions will help you better understand the profile of the candidate you are looking for. The job description will then be much easier to write. It will also help you write a job description in which the talent will be able to recognize themselves and find themselves. The more precise you are, the more you will avoid potential casting errors and misunderstandings.
Use the right recruitment channels
The database talent database is a very powerful tool that should not be underestimated. An ad can also be published on dedicated publication sites, on LinkedIn, or even be broadcasted during professional recruitment forums or in training institutions.
Be careful! Avoid posting your ads on all channels. Not only will this cost you money, but you may also get very few relevant results. Instead, take the time to look for the channels that are most adapted to the talent you are looking for.
The essential tool for recruiters is of course LinkedIn! There are many, many profiles and it is very easy to search based on education, current posts and skills. Don't hesitate to look at the activity of the different prospects as well. Based on their posts, reactions and comments, you can easily identify relevant talent.
Don't hesitate to diversify the channels! If you want to recruit a computer scientist for example, take a look at Github projects. To recruit a designer, look at the portfolios on Malt.
More and more recruiters are also using co-optation within companies and recruitment firms . Involve employees and talents in your recruitment process! 36% of companies would use co-optation for executive positions.
Send a strong approach message
Finding the right channel is not enough. The quality of the approach message is crucial. You must make the talent want to know more about the position. By personalizing your message as much as possible, you put all the chances on your side to receive a response from the candidate.
Remember that most candidates receive dozens of messages every day. By personalizing your message to fit the candidate's profile, you will have the best chance of receiving a response.
Be clear and concrete about the desired profile and the missions attached to the position to be filled. You must explain your approach and demonstrate to the talent why you are addressing them in particular. Don't forget to call them by their name and mention, for example, the skills or experience visible on their profile to show them that you know who you are talking to.
Maintaining your candidate database is key at this stage, as it enables you to test different messages, see which messages have the best response rate, and know at a glance which candidates to follow up if there is no response. This is what Marvin offers you, an easy-to-use recruitment ATS that lets you structure your candidate database.
Prepare for interviews
This is the last stage, during which the company finally meets the potential future recruit. The interview must allow the recruiter to know if the candidate is indeed suitable for the position and if it is relevant to take him/her to the next steps.
It is also important to be able to determine the expectations and ambitions of the candidate, who will also have a say!
You can check out our article on sourcing strategy to learn more!
Anticipating recruitment in advance, the key to success
Recruiting in a hurry is a sure way to make a mistake and mistakes are expensive. The ideal is to be able to anticipate enough to avoid being in a hurry. By taking your time, you maximize the chances of finding the candidate who corresponds exactly to the profile sought.
It is therefore wise to keep in mind the timing of the company's recruitment needs and not to take action at the last moment. This allows you to set up a rigorous procedure and maintain an adequate level of requirement for your research.
While the usual recruitment period isone to two months, it is up to the recruiters toadapt this period according to the complexity of the profile sought. Keeping an up-to-date database of candidates can also be an interesting option to accelerate future recruitments.
Knowing how to compromise
The success of a recruitment also lies in the intelligence with which it was carried out. The perfect candidate is extremely rare and above all very complicated to find.
By trying to find a profile that ticks all the boxes, the recruiter wastes time and energy. These two points are however precious in a search period!
It is therefore crucial to have a clear job description that differentiates between essential and optional skills. You have to be prepared to make compromises! Knowing that a good employee can always be trained within a team, by his peers or during training sessions.
Don't hesitate to prioritize the skills you are looking for and take the time to evaluate the candidate's motivation and ability to adapt and progress.
How many interviews should be conducted?
We recommend conducting 2 to 3 interviews per candidate. These interviews will allow the recruited talent to meet several people in the company and the people with whom he/she will be working.
This meeting is particularly rich, because it allows us to determine if the candidate's temperament is in adequacy with his potential future team.
It is important not to overload the number of interviews for talent. This makes the process smoother and easier to understand for the candidates. On the other hand, it also eases the workload of recruiters and avoids a stressful recruitment period. A candidate might get discouraged if the recruitment process is too long.
Also, make sure you offer the candidate interview slots early. The longer you make them wait to be interviewed, the more likely they are to slip through your fingers. Be agile and flexible to quickly interview and close the right candidate.
Knowing how to make choices
When a profile interests you, it is entirely possible toaccelerate the process in order to secure the recruitment of this talent. Don't make someone you already have a positive opinion on wait!
This way, the recruiter avoids misunderstandings and, above all, prevents this good potential from passing under his nose! The candidate and the recruitment team are also less exhausted by a cumbersome process. The goal is to avoid missing out on a great profile.
It is therefore necessary to find the right balance between a too hasty recruitment and a too careful and long process.
Integration of employees
A recruitment is truly successful when the newly hired employee integrates well into the team. The recruiters' work does not stop at the end of the interviews.
It is their duty to ensure that the integration goes smoothly. To do this, multiple meetings should be organized between the newcomer and his or her teammates, as well as with the other members of the entity in which he or she works.
The talent thus recruited is given confidence and can then more easily decipher the functioning and culture of the company to which he or she is now a part.
To conduct a successful recruitment process, remember one word: anticipation. Once the profile is clearly defined and a rigorous strategy is in place, the position in question will not take long to be filled.
The tools ATS (Applicant Tracking System) tools keep a tight rein on these recruitment processes. They simplify the management of applications and allow recruiters to focus on future employees. A great opportunity for the human relations professions!