What's on Marvin's roadmap to 2025?

Marvin Recruiter enters 2025 with a clear ambition: to revolutionize recruitment through strategic innovations.

Find out how we're putting user experience at the heart of our roadmap, and why you're a key player in this evolution.

Milestones of the 2025 roadmap 🚀

What are your priorities for the start of the year?

Marvin Recruiter focuses on four major areas to meet the needs of recruitment agencies:

New for early 2025: Discover the outreach module...

This innovative feature lets you manage automatic, targeted communication campaigns on LinkedIn and by email.

Imagine a tool that automates your actions while giving you total control.


...Our priorities for the rest of the year

  • Advanced statistics: create customized reports to analyze your performance. Every detail counts to optimize your strategies.
  • Improved search: find the best profiles quickly thanks to intelligent filters and effective feedback.
  • IA intégrée : proposez des recrutements plus précis avec l’anonymisation automatique, des suggestions personnalisées, et l’adaptation des templates pour mieux coller aux profils ciblés. Évaluez vos candidats et qualifiez vos postes grâce à des questions intelligentes, tout en gagnant du temps avec la rédaction automatique de mails (approches, mises en process...).
  • La gestion des devises et de la civilité : améliorez la précision de vos communications et filtrez plus rapidement.
  • De nouvelles intégrations arrivent à grands pas : notamment celle d'Aircall, de Noota et des tests PerformanSe.
  • Gestion des candidatures en masse : traitez facilement un grand volume de candidatures et gagnez un temps précieux tout en restant efficace.
  • Expériences des profils candidats intégrées : visualisez directement les expériences professionnelles des candidats dans Marvin. Tout est centralisé pour une analyse rapide et fluide.
  • Export des fiches candidats en PDF : créez des fichiers PDF professionnels en un clic pour partager des profils complets avec vos clients ou équipes. Simplifiez vos échanges et gagnez en praticité.

Each stage of this roadmap is guided by your needs and constant feedback from users.

How are these innovations transforming your recruitment processes?

The outreach module :

According to a study by SmartRecruiters, 86.1% of recruiters using AI technology have accelerated the hiring process.

source : businessolution.org

Our outreach module automates your campaigns while enabling advanced personalization, revolutionizing the way you source talent.

Advanced statistics :

Visualize your performance at a glance with reports tailored to your needs. These tools help you make decisions based on concrete data, improving the efficiency of your recruiting.

Enhanced search

By exploiting your previous notes and feedback, the enhanced search enables you to find the right profiles faster, while gaining in accuracy. This helps you identify the best talent in a competitive market.

Integrated AI

Artificial intelligence doesn't just simplify your processes: it anticipates your needs. With predictive suggestions and data enrichment, your recruitment becomes more strategic. In fact, 62% of recruitment professionals are optimistic about the impact of AI on recruitment.

source : Culture RH

Join our collaborative adventure

We believe that every user is an expert in his or her needs. In 2025, Marvin Recruiter offers an interactive roadmap tool that allows you to :

  • Vote for the features that matter most to you.
  • Monitor the progress of our projects in real time.

Your participation ensures that Marvin Recruiter remains aligned with your expectations.

FAQ: your questions about the roadmap

When will these features be available?

The outreach module will be available in February 2025. The other priorities will follow throughout the year.

How can I keep track of project progress?

Our roadmap tracking tool, currently being finalized, will give you access to updates in real time.

Can I propose new features?

Absolutely! A form will soon be available to share your ideas and suggestions.

This article offers you a clear vision of Marvin Recruiter 's strategic priorities for 2025. By getting involved in this roadmap, you'll be actively participating in a transformation that will make your recruitment agency a leader in its sector.

Christophe HÉBERT
CEO and founder @Marvin Recruiter

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